Below, my articles and those I've contributed to are grouped by topic for ease of viewing. Some articles fit in more than one category and thus, may appear more than once. For a chronological view of my work, please check out my CV below. Click on a topic below to skip to a particular section of interest.
*I have tried to make available those accepted manuscripts I have access to or linked to those that are open access in line with publishing agreements. Please feel free to email me if you need a copy of any of the works below.
Medical Mistrust | Racial Discrimination, Disparate Impact, and Marginalization |Patient-Provider Communication Equity and Inclusion in Research | Social Support | Organ Donation |
Medical Trust and Mistrust
Nah, S., Williamson, L.D., Upshaw, S., & Ntang Beb, J.-L., Kahlor, L.A., Atkinson, L. (2023). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Cameroon: The role of medical mistrust and social media use. Journal of Health Communication, 28(9), 619-632.
Nah, S., Williamson, L.D., Kahlor, L.A., Atkinson, L., Upshaw, S.J., & Ntang Beb, J.-L. (2023). The roles of social media use and medical mistrust in Black Americans’ COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: The RISP model perspective. Health Communication.
Ledford, C.J.W., Harrison, Z., Li Stein, T., Vikram, S., Williamson, L.D., Whitebloom, G., & Seehusen, D.A. (2023). Education, trust, and likelihood to vaccinate against COVID-19 among patients with diabetes in the American South. Patient Education & Counseling, 115.
Williamson, L.D., & Prins, K. (2023). Uncertain and anxiously searching for answers: The roles of negative healthcare experiences and medical mistrust in intentions to seek information from online spaces. Health Communication. Advanced online publication.
Cafferty, L.A., Williamson, L.D., Jones, S., Anderson, L.N., Moore, J.X., Benson, R., Whisenant, E.B., Clinton, C., Lawson, N., & Ledford, C.J.W. (2023). How attributes of place threaten community trust in the American South: Opportunities for improving pandemic-related communication. Journal of Health Communication. Advanced online publication.
Williamson, L.D. (2023). Testing vicarious experiences as antecedents of medical mistrust: A survey of Black and White Americans. Behavioral Medicine, 49(1), 40-52.
Williamson, L.D., Thompson, K.M., & Ledford, C.J.W. Trust takes two… (2022). Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 35(6), 1179-1182.
Williamson, L.D. (2022). Medical mistrust. In E. Ho, C. Bylund, and J. van Weert (Eds.). International Encyclopedia of Health Communication.
Williamson, L.D. (2022). Beyond personal experiences: Examining mediated vicarious experiences as an antecedent to medical mistrust. Health Communication, 37(9), 1061-1074.
Williamson, L.D., Smith, M.A., & Bigman, C.A. (2019). Does discrimination breed mistrust? Examining the role of mediated and non-mediated discrimination experiences in medical mistrust. Journal of Health Communication, 24, 791-799.
Williamson, L.D., Bigman, C.A., & Quick, B.L (2019). A qualitative examination of African Americans’ organ donation-related medical mistrust beliefs. Howard Journal of Communications, 30, 430-445.
Williamson, L.D., & Bigman, C.A. (2018). A systematic review of medical mistrust measures. Patient Education & Counseling, 101, 1786-1794.
Williamson, L.D., Reynolds-Tylus, T., Quick, B.L., & Shuck, M. (2017). African Americans’ perceptions of organ donation: “Simply boils down to mistrust!” Journal of Applied Communication Research, 45, 199-217.
Racial Discrimination, Disparate Impact, and Marginalization
Fox, J., Pearce, K.E., Massanari, A.L., Riles, J.M., Szulc, L. Ranjit, Y., Trevisan, F., Soriano, C.R., Vitak, J., Payal, A., Ahn, S.J., Alper, M., Gambino, A., Gonzalez, C., Lynch, T., Williamson, L.D., & Gonzales, A.L. (2021). Open science, closed doors? Countering marginalization through an agenda for ethical, inclusive research in communication. Journal of Communication, 71(5), 764-784.
Alang, S., Rogers, T., Green, C., Williamson, L.D., & Bell, A. (2021). Police brutality, respect within healthcare settings and unmet need for mental health care. Health Services Research, 56(6), 1104-1113.
Williamson, L.D. (2022). Beyond personal experiences: Examining mediated vicarious experiences as an antecedent to medical mistrust. Health Communication, 37(9), 1061-1074.
Smith, M.A., Williamson, L.D., & Bigman, C.A. (2020). Can social media news encourage activism? The impact of exposure to mediated discrimination on college students’ activism intention. Social Media + Society, 6(2), 1-10.
McNeil Smith, S., Williamson, L.D., Branch, H., & Fincham, F.D. (2020). Racial discrimination, racism-specific support, and self-reported health among African American couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 779-799.
Williamson, L.D., Smith, M.A., & Bigman, C.A. (2019). Does discrimination breed mistrust? Examining the role of mediated and non-mediated discrimination experiences in medical mistrust. Journal of Health Communication, 24, 791-799.
Bigman, C.A., Smith, M.A., Williamson, L.D., Coleman, A., McNeil Smith, S. (2019). Selective sharing on social media: Examining the effects of disparate racial impact frames on intentions to retransmit news stories among U.S. college students. New Media & Society, 21, 2691-2709.
Patient-Provider Communication
Williamson, L.D., Cotter, L.M., Couch, B.L., & Herndon, G.H. (2025). The ecological model of communication in medical encounters. Patient Education & Counseling, 134, 108646.
Williamson, L.D., Thompson, K.M., & Ledford, C.J.W. Trust takes two… (2022). Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, 35(6), 1179-1182.
Scherr, K.A., Fagerlin, A., Hofer, T., Scherer, L., Holmes-Rovner, M., Williamson, L.D., Kahn, V.C., Montgomery, J.S., Greene, K.L., Zhang, B., & Ubel, P.A. (2017). Physician recommendations trump patient preferences in prostate cancer treatment decisions. Medical Decision Making, 37, 56-69.
Scherr, K.A., Fagerlin, A., Wei, J.T., Williamson, L.D., & Ubel, P.A. (2017). Treatment availability influences physicians’ portrayal of robotic surgery during clinical appointments. Health Communication, 32, 119-125.
Scherr, K.A., Fagerlin, A., Williamson, L.D., Davis, J.K., Fridman, I., & Ubel, P.A. (2017). The Physician Recommendation Coding System (PhyReCS): A reliable and valid method to quantify the strength of physician recommendations during clinical encounters. Medical Decision Making, 37, 46-55.
Hunter, W.G., Hesson, A., Davis, J.K., Kirby, C., Williamson, L.D., Barnett, J.A., & Ubel, P.A. (2016). Patient-physician discussions about costs: Definitions and impact on cost conversation incidence estimates. BMC Health Services Research, 16, 1-12.
Hunter, W., Zhang, C.Z., Hesson, A., Davis, J.K., Kirby, C., Williamson, L.D., Barnett, J.A., & Ubel, P.A. (2016). What strategies do physicians and patients discuss to reduce out-of-pocket costs? Analysis of cost-saving strategies in 1,755 outpatient clinic visits. Medical Decision Making, 36, 900-910.
Leblanc, T.W., Hesson, A., Williams, A., Feudtner, C., Holmes-Rovner, M., Williamson, L.D., & Ubel, P.A. (2014). Patient understanding of medical jargon: A survey study of U.S. medical students. Patient Education and Counseling, 95, 238-242.
Equity and Inclusion in Research
Newman, T.P., Williamson, L.D., & Xenos, M. (2024). Lived experience, shared knowledge: Reimagining community-driven science communication research. Science Communication.
Moore, J.X., Anderson, L.N., Li, C., Benson, R.D., Garcia Rychtarikova, A., Williamson, L.D., Wolf, L.E., Whisenant, E.B., Roark, E., Jones, S.R., & Ledford, C.J.W. (2023). Toward equitable payment for inclusive participation. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 7 (e58), 1–3.
Fox, J., Pearce, K.E., Massanari, A.L., Riles, J.M., Szulc, L. Ranjit, Y., Trevisan, F., Soriano, C.R., Vitak, J., Payal, A., Ahn, S.J., Alper, M., Gambino, A., Gonzalez, C., Lynch, T., Williamson, L.D., & Gonzales, A.L. (2021). Open science, closed doors? Countering marginalization through an agenda for ethical, inclusive research in communication. Journal of Communication, 71(5), 764-784.
Social Support
McNeil Smith, S., Williamson, L.D., Branch, H., & Fincham, F.D. (2020). Racial discrimination, racism-specific support, and self-reported health among African American couples. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37, 779-799.
Guntzviller, L.M., Williamson, L.D., & Ratcliff, C.L. (2020). Stress, mental health, and social support among young adult Hispanics. Family & Community Health, 43, 82-91.
Organ Donation
Quick, B.L., Morrow, E., Bigman, C.A., Reynolds-Tylus, T., & Williamson, L.D. (2024). An evaluation of the License to Save Lives Program to promote organ, eye, and tissue donation among teenagers. Clinical Transplantation, 38(1), e15183.
Reynolds-Tylus, T., Quick, B.L., Bigman, C.A., & Williamson, L.D. (2021). An examination of teenagers' beliefs toward organ donor registration. Clinical Transplantation, 35(4), 1-8.
Williamson, L.D., Bigman, C.A., & Quick, B.L (2019). A qualitative examination of African Americans’ organ donation-related medical mistrust beliefs. Howard Journal of Communications, 30, 430-445.
Williamson, L.D., Reynolds-Tylus, T., Quick, B.L., & Shuck, M. (2017). African Americans’ perceptions of organ donation: “Simply boils down to mistrust!” Journal of Applied Communication Research, 45, 199-217.